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Your Trials 

Fast / Easy / Efficient

Thanks to the Tanins oenological decision-making kit
you will be able to easily assess the impact of chips, staves, or tannins on your matrices.

Decision-Making Kit

Trial & Tannin Dosage

Equivalence between the drops added per bottle and your tank dosage

Conversion des Gouttes en Dosage

(pour des gouttes versées dans une bouteille de 75 cl)

Calculateur Tanins & Bois

Tanins Poudre g/HL
Tanins Liquides ml/HL
Chips / Staves g/HL


Votre dosage correspond à un équivalent

You are using powdered tannins; here is the dilution assistance procedure.


You have the dosage!  

Now you just need to choose the geometry: 
Chips / Staves / Tannins

Identical toasting profiles regardless of the product's geometry